The summer school of 2020 took place digitally due to the Covid-19 situation. The 5-day course gave insights into the relationship between diplomacy and sustainability. Lecturers and workshops by, for instance, the former Dutch minister of defence prof. dr. ir. Joris Voorhoeve, international governmental advisor dr. Simon Anholt, international negotiations experts dr. Paul Meerst and founder and president of the Young Diplomat Hans van den Berg provided a theoretical and practical basis from which the participants could develop important skills.
At the beginning of the week participants were submerged in the theoretical side of diplomacy, negotiation and their relationships with the environment and sustainability while also gaining practical insights from experienced diplomats. Lectures were streamed from inspiring locations and a digital tour of the highlights of The Hague, including the Peace Palace, was given. The week concluded with a newly developed diplomatic simulation regarding the subject. Participants represented a country or an international organisation and were expected to prepare a position, negotiate an agreement, and deal with the issues as they arised during the simulation.
''I could feel the love for the discipline of diplomacy through my screen. Even though we couldn't see each other in real life in The Hague, the Young Diplomat team did manage to give a good insight into and lessons from the world of diplomacy by sharing knowledge, skills and anecdotes from real-life by involving both practitioners and professors from the field. In doing so, it has brought me closer to reaching my goal for which I am thankful.''
"Whereas in digital form, the WinterÂ
School has allowed me both toÂ
apperceive diplomacy and to recognizeÂ
myself in it, opportunities like thisÂ
in fact reveal us to others and evenÂ
more to ourselves. The Young DiplomatÂ
was one of the most proactive,Â
interactive and interested occasionsÂ
of my academic career"
"The Winter Seminar was an incredibly immersive and informative experience that took advantage of the current digital landscape to bring in diverse speakers and organize a simulation that flowed seamlessly, even on zoom. As a first-glance at diplomacy, this seminar will definitely enthuse anyone considering a career in diplomacy"

Sunday 5th of July 2020
20.00 - 21.00ish
Online welcome and introductions
Monday 6th of July 2020
10.00 - 12.00
Opening Speech & Introductions to International Relations & Diplomacy
Prof. Dr. Ig. J.J.C. Voorhoeve (Prof. International Relations & Peacebuidling and former Dutch Minister of Defence)
Interactive Zoom webinar
13.00 - 17.00
Introductions to International Negotiation & Diplomacy
Dr. P.W. Meerts (International Negotiation Analyst, Clingendael Institute & College of Europe)
Interactive Zoom webinar
Tuesday 7th of July
10.00 - 12.00
Towards the Grand Sustainability Transition: Global Environmental Governance and Climate Action
Prof. Dr. P.H. Pattberg (Director of the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute (ASI) and full professor of transnational environmental governance and policy)
Zoom webinar
14.00 - 16.00
Grand Strategy
Prof. Simon Anholt (Independent policy advisor to Heads of State, Hon. Professor UEA)
Zoom Lecture followed by questions
Wednesday 8th of July
10.00 - 12.00
Power & Strategies in International Diplomacy & Negotiations
H.B. van den Berg, MSc. (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Departement of Public Administration & Sociology, President of The Young Diplomat)
Interactive Zoom Workshop
Workshops by POINT (Process Of International Negotiation Training) Trainers. Each participant will be allowed to pick one workshop per time slot.
13.00 - 15.00
Joana Matos - Deescalation of Conflict - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 - 15 participants)
Dr. Tariel Sikharulidze - Introductions to Mediation - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 - 15 participants)
Drs. Rob Boudewijn (Training director at Europa Instituut) - Quo Vadis Europa - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 - 15 participants)
Lena Salamé (Lawyer, conflict management and mediation specialist; Trustee, Water Witness International) - Don’t kill the messenger - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 - 15 participants)
15.30 - 18.30
Special Workshop
Dr. Mark Young (President of Rational Games, Inc.) & Joana Matos - Multilateral Refugee Crisis Simulation - Interactive Zoom Workshop (12 participants)
16.00 - 18.00
Sami Faltas - Negotiating between cultures - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 -15 participants)
Frans Schram (Negotiation and Mediation trainer, POINT) - Influence, Persuasion, Argumentation - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 - 15 participants)
Avi Goldstein (Founder & Director, PATHWAYS Institute for Negotiation Education) - Creative Negotiation: Key Communication and Problem-Solving Skills - Interactive Zoom Workshop (10 - 15 participants)
Thursday 9th of July
10.00 - 11.30
Panel discussion: Sustainability & Diplomacy in Practice
Leonie van der Stijl (Directorate of Inclusive Green Growth) and Sacha Oudolf (directorate Europe).
Interactive Zoom meet up
17.00 - 18.00
Developing the Rule of Law
W. van Nieuwkerk (director of the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC))
Interactive Zoom meet up
Friday 10th of July
10.00 - 17.00
Sustainable Diplomacy Simulation