Online Seminar
Diplomacy and negotiation in a digital world
Hybrid warfare, disinformation, cyber attacks, cutting cables and the harvesting of data with the intent to disrupt the daily lives of targeted groups in society. Digitalisation has shown states a new wide range of tools to influence politics and international relations. But not all is bleak, diplomats are constantly working to define international laws, standards, norms, sharing toolboxes and so on to combat the threats.
While the past years have shown how states utilise digital tools to pursue their interests there are also positive developments. Increasing the access of information, connecting people around the world, allowing more people access to high level education and giving them influence in their society. It is therefore crucial to develop the skills to communicate on digital platforms successfully. Though online meetings come with the benefit of working from home in your pyjama pants, it can also be quite the challenge to get a message across. In the diplomatic world, online-negotiations are becoming more and more common. How do diplomats ensure negotiations run smoothly?
The winter seminar offers insights into this question through both a theoretical and practical approach. Along with introducing our participants to general concepts of diplomacy and negotiation, special attention is dedicated to understanding how digitisation impacts the world of international negotiations. As our lives become increasingly online, new hazards to successful international relations like digital misinformation and cybercrime emerge.
The program of 2024 includes speakers like Corneliu Bjola, speakers from Alter Contacts, the Dutch National Cyber Security Center, Dr. Ana Uribe Sandoval and Hans van den Berg. Participants are offered the opportunity to expand their (international) network with networking sessions and practice their skills in a diplomatic simulation. In doing so, participants represent a country or an international organisation, prepare a position, and negotiate an agreement.
You will be challenged to gather theoretical insights in the rapidly developing field of digital diplomacy from leading figures in the field.
Gain valuable skills through a proven combination of applying theoretical knowledge in high end simulations. During the winter seminar, you will develop skills for public speaking, speech writing, doing research for negotiation and reporting.
Build your international network through the Young Diplomat community and meet with diplomats from different disciplines. The Young Diplomat community offers you the opportunity to find new contacts within the field.

CET (Amsterdam Time)
Saturday the 18th of January 2025
13.00 - 14.30
Online welcome and opening speech
H.B. van den Berg, MSc. (Center for International Legal Cooperation and Director of The Young Diplomat)
15.00 - 16.30
The Dark Side of Digital Diplomacy: Tactics for Countering Digital Disinformation.
Professor Corneliu Bjola (Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies at Oxford University)
Tuesday 21st of January 2025
19.30 - 21.00
Digital Diplomacy and Social Media
Dr. Ana Uribe Sandoval (Senior Lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam at the Department of Media and Communication)
Wednesday 22nd of January 2025
19.30 - 21.00
Geert-Jan van der Ven (Director Center Information security and Privacy protection Government)
Thursday the 23rd of January 2025
19.30 - 21.00
Cyber Persistent Engagement and how AI is shaping cyber conflict in the near future.
Robert Shala (Board Member Sentry - Cybersecurity & Defence; AI Red Team)​
Saturday the 25th of January 2025
11.00 - 12.30
Artificial Intelligence and the impact on Disinformation
Julia Weckend (Professor of Philosophy on Post-Truth and Disinformation at Oxford University)
14.00 - 17.00
Power & Strategies in International Diplomacy & Negotiations.
H.B. van den Berg, MSc. (Center for International Legal Cooperation and Director of The Young Diplomat)​
Sunday 26th of January 2025
10.00 - 15.00
Digital Diplomacy Simulation.
15.00 - 17.00
Reflection & Good bye's

The tuition fee for this online Winter Seminar is 50 EUROS (FOR THIS PROGRAM NO SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE).
This fee includes:
Panel discussion, workshops, lectures and final simulation.
Access to all events via a protected and certified ZOOM host-account.
All reading materials.
Certificate of participation.
To guarantee personalised and high-quality education we will only host 40 spots.
To be admitted for this program you do not need previous experience, knowledge, or related studies in the field. The minimum age is 18 with no maximum age, there are no further restrictions on educational background or work experience. This program is open to anyone interested in the subject and wishing to obtain experience with diplomacy and negotiation.
To be selected, please fill out our form (button below) in which you will be asked to provide us with the following:
Please provide us with a motivational statement of a minimum of 250 and maximum of 500 words. Include why you want to take part in this course and should be considered. How would this help you with your future development or plans? Also, what you will will bring to our courses and how you could help other participants with their development?
Your Curriculum Vitae, including current or previous studies, current or previous work experience, current or previous extra-curricula.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 22nd, 2024, 15:00 (CET, Amsterdam Time)
Part of the selection procedure may be an online interview of 10 - 15 minutes between 22nd and 29h of December (excluding Christmas).
I could feel the love for the discipline of diplomacy through my screen. Even though we couldn't see each other in real life in The Hague, the Young Diplomat team did manage to give a good insight into and lessons from the world of diplomacy by sharing knowledge, skills and anecdotes from real-life by involving both practitioners and professors from the field. In doing so, it has brought me closer to reaching my goal for which I am thankful.
Whereas in digital form, the Winter School has allowed me both to apperceive diplomacy and to recognize myself in it, opportunities like this in fact reveal us to others and even more to ourselves. The Young Diplomat was one of the most proactive, interactive and interested occasions of my academic career
The course is incredibly well organized and allows you to put theory into practice. The atmosphere was open, friendly and respectful. The materials provided, the speakers, simulation and multicultural environment made this a remarkable experience.