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Current Projects

Oxford University

As a partner of the Diplomatic Study Program of Oxford University the Young Diplomat organises courses on diplomatic negotiation training and executing a study visits to The Hague. A group of Diplomats and Young professionals from the field took part in several workshops which combined challenging simulations with lectures on the different elements of Negotiation. It covers basic and advanced aspects of negotiation. Through simulations and reflection participants were challenged to apply and develop their skills. The study visits feature visits to the International Court of Justice including a Q&A with Judge Ad Hoc Couvreur, a visit to the International Criminal Court and meeting with the office of the prosecutor and private visits to EUROPOL and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.


Training program for Diplomats from the Middle East and North Africa

In collaboration with the Centre for International Legal Cooperation a programme has been designed to train diplomats from the Middle East and North Africa who recently started their posting in The Netherlands. The programme focusses on providing insights in the Dutch political system, areas of expertise such as water and agricultural management, the role of The Netherlands in the global community, while at the same time getting to know The Hague and Dutch culture. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemen) and will run from November 2021 until July 2023.


Diplomatic Academy of Armenia

For the Diplomatic Academy of Armenia the Young Diplomat organises courses on Negotiation Techniques and Strategies as well as on protocol issues. Here experienced diplomats took part in lectures on negotiation, protocol, and skills which they applied through simulations. During the course there was room for reflection by the participants and they were challenged to apply and develop their skills. Over the past years the Young Diplomat has enjoyed a close cooperation with the Armenian Diplomatic Academy and continues to collaborate on the organisation of courses, study visits and research.


Coffee with Ambassadors

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in the Kingdom of the Netherlands the Young Diplomat organises four moments throughout the year where Ambassadors and experts discuss specific topics and current affairs with a select group of students and young professionals.


The project focusses on enabling students and young professionals to network and develop their perspectives on the world while at the same time making the world of diplomacy more approachable and accessible. 


Leiden University

Leiden University is one of the leading universities on International Governance. A special honours program is run by the Young Diplomat on International Relations: Diplomacy and Negotiation. This two month program covers different elements of diplomacy and negotiation (distributive and integrative bargaining, multilateral negotiation, strategy and tactics, chairing, and so on). At the same time the students prepare for a complex final simulation by working with embassies, experts and institutions in The Hague. The programme focusses on developing skills and in-depth knowledge.


Furthermore, the Young Diplomat is cooperating with Leiden University on providing case study groups, internships, study trips to Brussels and and another honours program on the future and challenges to the European Union.


College of Europe

For the Executive Education program of the College of Europe the Young Diplomat is facilitating a seminar on strategic and digital negotiation for the Negotiation in Practice project. Here a focus is on the new developments and digital possibilities resulting from the new normal in digital and remote working along side providing insights in strategy and tactics in negotiation.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

For the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy the Young Diplomat organises a yearly course, in cooperation with dr. Paul Meerts, on Negotiation Techniques and Strategies. The course focusses on providing experienced diplomats as well as young professionals with theoretical and practical insights. Through simulations and reflection participants are challenged to apply and develop their skills. 

Completed Projects

British Council & The College of Europe

The Young Diplomat in collaboration with the College of Europe and the British Council provided training for policy makers and negotiators working on the application of Bosnia Herzegovina for EU candidacy. The training focussed on an introduction to negotiation techniques and strategies after which the participants engaged in a simulation tailored to the different levels on which EU accession negotiations take place.


Embassy of the Republic of Malta

The Young Diplomat in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Malta organised a simulation on the role of Malta in the UN Security Council. Participants worked on a resolution relating to Water Management, one of the focus points of Malta when it will enter the UN Security Council. In preparation participants had a session with H.E Vanessa Vrazier the Permanent Representative of Malta to the UN, H.E. Professor Simone Borg the Ambassador for Climate Action, H.E. Karel van Oosterom the Ambassador of the Netherlands to the United Kingdom, and Mr Manuel Sapiano  CEO of the The Energy and Water Agency.


After the simulation the participants enjoyed a panel discussion with the Maltese Ambassador, Dr. Paul Meerts and Hans van den Berg on the outcomes of the simulation.

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Winter Seminar of 2022

The winter seminar of 2022 offered insights into the general concepts of diplomacy and negotiation, also special attention was dedicated to understanding how digitisation impacts the world of international negotiations. As our lives become increasingly online, new hazards to successful international relations like digital misinformation and cybercrime emerge. How can a negotiation still be successful in the midst of this digital negotiation arena?


The program of 2022 included speakers like Paul Meerts, Corneliu Bjola from Oxford University, Camille Gufflet from the European External Action Service, Johanna Weaver Director of the Tech Policy Design Centre at the Australian National University and former Australian diplomat, Hans van den Berg and four practicing diplomats. Students were offered the opportunity to expand their (international) network with networking sessions and practice their skills in a newly developed diplomatic simulation. Participants represented a country or an international organisation and were expected to prepare a position, and negotiate an agreement.

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Erasmus University

For the course on Negotiation for the programmes of Public Administration and Management of International Social Challenges programmes at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam the Young Diplomat helped to redesign the simulations and course build up. The practical course was reviewed by the students and given an 8.01 mark out of 10, the highest score a practical had received.


"The course build up logically, focussing first on developing specific skills. Followed by applying a combination of these skills in more elaborate simulations, with self and professional reflection afterwards."


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

In a two day seminar the Young Diplomat provided training on several elements of International Political Negotiation. The course focussed on providing experienced diplomats as well as young professionals with theoretical and practical insights. It covered basic and advanced aspects of negotiation such as distributive and integrative bargaining, multilateral negotiation, strategy and tactics, and so on. Through simulations and reflection participants were challenged to apply and develop their skills. 


Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj- Napoca

In cooperation with dr. Paul Meerts, who received an honorary doctorate for his collaboration with the university, the Young Diplomat facilitated a workshop on multilateral negotiation. After an introductory lecture on the history and evolution of diplomacy and negotiation, participants engaged in a digital simulation.


Young Diplomat summer school 2020

The summer school of 2020 took place digitally due to the Covid-19 situation. The 5-day course gave insights into the relationship between diplomacy and sustainability. Lecturers and workshops by, for instance, the former Dutch minister of defence prof. dr. ir. Joris Voorhoeve, international governmental advisor dr. Simon Anholt, international negotiations experts dr. Paul Meerst and founder and president of the Young Diplomat Hans van den Berg provided a theoretical and practical basis from which the participants could develop important skills. The week concluded with a newly developed diplomatic simulation regarding the subject. 

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Youth Peace Initiative

The Youth Peace Initiative brings together delegations of young leaders from Israel and Palestine. At a conference in The Hague they spoke open about the conflict and their experiences. Their work has led to goals and commitments for a brighter future. At this conference The Young Diplomat provided training on dialoguing and negotiation. Giving the young leaders the tools to start an open dialogue.​ 


"We often forget how important the basic tools are. With this workshop we practiced them in an interactive and challenging way!" - Palestinian delegate.


Summer school of 2022

The Summer school of 2022 took place in person in The Hague and focussed on the topic of Conflict Resolution and Mediation. Whether it is Ukraine, Israel, Yemen, or Afghanistan, conflict is an undeniable part of the domain of international relations. Although the nature of conflict has changed to include different modes of warfare the main questions surrounding conflict have remained the same, namely ‘why does a conflict occur?’ and ‘what can be done to solve a given conflict?’. Diplomats play a key role in facilitating mediation sessions. But as we all know not every meeting is a success, indicating that you cannot be a good mediator before becoming a good negotiator.


The program of 2022 includes speakers like Jack Tompson (Senior Strategic Analyst at The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, Dr. Paul Meerts, Professor Elizabeth Colton Diplomat & Journalist in Residence at Warren Wilson College, Dr. Tariel Sikharulidze Associate Professor, Mediator, Trainer in Negotiations and Mediation and Coach, Dr. Frans Schram, Dr. Mendeltje van Keulen Professor of Practice at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Hans van den Berg and practising diplomats and other experts. Students were offered the opportunity to expand their (international) network with networking sessions and practice their skills in a diplomatic simulation. In doing so, participants represent a country or an international organisation, prepare a position, and negotiate an agreement.


Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo

The Young Diplomat in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo to the Kingdom of The Netherlands co-hosted the event on the EU and the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue. Participants were given the opportunity to simulate this 2013 dialogue themselves and engage with practitioners from the field. The day was concluded with a panel discussion with Ambassador Dren Doli, Former Dutch Ambassador to Kosovo Robert Bosch, and International Negotiation Analyst Paul Meerts. 


AVANS University of Applied Sciences

Participatory bodies are essential institutions of the Public Educational Institutions of the Netherlands. For AVANS University of Applied Sciences the Young Diplomat arranges courses on effective and fruitful negotiations between participatory bodies and the Executive Board. The training and program focusses on providing strategy and tactics for these bodies to achieve their goal in a win-win setting.


Summer school of 2021

Negotiation can help you understand international relations better than theory. After all, there cannot be any international relations without negotiations. Foreign policy is often based on the developments and outcomes of negotiations. This raises the question about which role does the national interest play? During the summer school of 2021 speakers like Glenda Sluga, Tim Butcher, and André Gerrits alongside Simon Anholt provided in-depth insights into nationalism vs diplomacy. At the same time, former Dutch minister of defence prof. dr. ir. Joris Voorhoeve, international negotiations experts dr. Paul Meerst and founder and president of the Young Diplomat Hans van den Berg together with other negotiation experts provided training and insights into international negotiation and diplomacy. Students were challenged in a two-day simulation at the end of the course to put their newly acquired skills and knowledge to the test.

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Estonian Diplomatic Academy

For the Estonian Diplomatic Academy the Young Diplomat organised, in cooperation with dr. Paul Meerts, a course on Negotiation Techniques and Strategies. The four day seminar focussed on providing participants with theoretical and practical insights, covering basic and advanced aspects of negotiation such as distributive and integrative bargaining, multilateral negotiation, strategy and tactics, and so on. Through simulations and reflection participants were challenged to apply and develop their skills. 


Young Diplomat winter seminar 2021

The winter seminar of 2021 offered insights into this question through both a theoretical and practical approach. Along with introducing our students to general concepts of diplomacy and negotiation, special attention was dedicated to understanding how digitisation impacts the world of international negotiations. As our lives become increasingly online, new hazards to successful international relations like digital misinformation and cybercrime emerge. How can a negotiation still be successful in the midst of this digital negotiation arena?


The program of 2021 included speakers like Paul Meerts, Corneliu Bjola, Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Hans van den Berg and three practicing diplomats. Students were offered the opportunity to expand their (international) network with networking sessions and practice their skills in a newly developed diplomatic simulation. Participants represented a country or an international organisation and were expected to prepare a position, and negotiate an agreement.


Young Diplomat summer school 2019

 This short but intense summer course gave insights into the relationship and challenges between democracy, international diplomacy, and international negotiation. During the first three days participants were submerged in the theoretical side of the subject, while also gaining insights from experienced diplomats and visits to NGO's and landmarks of The Hague. Lecturers such as Dr. Paul Meerts, Ashely Longman, and Professor Simon Anholt provided a theoretical and practical basis from which the participants could develop the important skills for diplomats. These skills were highlighted again during the opening speech for the simulation by Professor Joris Voorhoeve. At the end of the week participants took part in a newly developed simulation. 


Durham University

In cooperation with dr. Paul Meerts the Young Diplomat facilitated a 2 day seminar on International Political Negotiation for Durham University at a Master level. The program covered basic and advanced aspects of negotiation such as distributive and integrative bargaining, multilateral negotiation, strategy and tactics, and so on.

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